7wondersIn7days.com was conceived on April 5, 2009 after Chi-chi
Ekweozor was moved by an episode of The Secret Millionaire, Channel 4’s undercover entrepreneur TV show. Whilst browsing through a local Manchester entertainment magazine called The Scene (published by Concept Publishing) after the program ended, she spotted a challenge at the end of an article about the New 7 Wonders of the World.
The challenge stated:
“You’d either be very crazy or very rich to attempt to see all 7 new wonders in one two week trip…”
Somehow Chi-chi misread the end of the statement and decided to take on the challenge of seeing all 7 new wonders in a one week trip. And 7
wondersin7days.com was born.
Inspired in part by Paul Smith’s
Twitchhiker project in which he travelled half way across the globe relying on the goodwill of
Twitterers, Chi-chi aims to travel to see the 7 new wonders of the world in 7 days from 10
th October 2010 (10/10/10), raising £777,000 for 7 charities.
The plan is to use this trip to raise the profile of a foundation for education dedicated to the memory of her amazing grandmother which she is starting with her parents.
In helping the 7 charities she is fundraising for through 7 wonders in 7 days, Chi-chi hopes to finally do something significant to make a difference to the lives of the billions of people around the world living in abject poverty.
The 7 charities involved and some smart companies are helping her make the trip a reality, not just for herself but for 7 lucky people who will each win a 3 day holiday to one of the 7 new wonders of the world by supporting the cause.