
Monday, January 3, 2011

Travelers Find Relief in Twitter

If you’re stranded at the airport due to endless amounts of cancelled flights or just trying to book a new flight after your original one was unexpectedly delayed by hours, Twitter might be the best way to book a seat home. While airlines’ reservation lines could require hours of waiting, savvy travelers are discovering that they are able to book a new reservation, get flight information, track luggage, and even complain too.

During the 2010 snow storm that occurred over the holiday weekend and altered thousands of people’s travel plans, Delta Airlines agents, among other airline companies with special Twitter training were helping travelers cut through confusion and bring relief during a frustrating time. People were reportedly rebooking flights almost immediately by sending a Twitter message to their respective airline.

Although airlines reported a doubling or tripling of Twitter traffic during the latest storm, the number of travelers who use Twitter is still small. Only about 8% of people who go online use Twitter. Airlines still prefer that travelers use the phone, due to the 140-character limit on Twitter not always being efficient enough to explain a situation.

It’s definitely something you should keep in mind the next time you run into difficulty at the airport.

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