Disney-Pixar’s new animated film, Toy Story 3, is the first topic to receive the Promoted Trend treatment as Twitter launches a new paid program for promotional partners. According to Computerworld, Promoted Trends are highlighted on user pages as a supplementary addition below the top ten current trends. Twitter has confirmed that topics can only become promoted if they are already being actively discussed in the Twitter community. By clicking the yellow promoted link, users of the site will be taken to the latest tweets about the film, headed by a Promoted Tweet published by the advertiser at the top results.
With Promoted Trends, users will see time-, context- and event-sensitive trends promoted by Twitter’s advertising partners. These Promoted Trends initially appear at the bottom of the Trending Topics list on Twitter, and are clearly marked “Promoted.” As conversations about the topic increase, Promoted Trends may move up the list. As Twitter explained, “Promoted Trends are a new advertising concept; they are an extension of our Promoted Tweets platform.”
Twitter will base the future of the advertising model on the success of Toy Story 3, its first promoted trending topic. Analysts are praising Twitter for developing a business model that will not have an impact on the all-important user experience by making Promoted Trends minimally invasive. As Business Analyst Eza Gottheil clearly explained, “People will tolerate advertising as long as it lets them do what they want to.”
With Promoted Trends, users will see time-, context- and event-sensitive trends promoted by Twitter’s advertising partners. These Promoted Trends initially appear at the bottom of the Trending Topics list on Twitter, and are clearly marked “Promoted.” As conversations about the topic increase, Promoted Trends may move up the list. As Twitter explained, “Promoted Trends are a new advertising concept; they are an extension of our Promoted Tweets platform.”
Twitter will base the future of the advertising model on the success of Toy Story 3, its first promoted trending topic. Analysts are praising Twitter for developing a business model that will not have an impact on the all-important user experience by making Promoted Trends minimally invasive. As Business Analyst Eza Gottheil clearly explained, “People will tolerate advertising as long as it lets them do what they want to.”
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